Friday, September 24, 2010

Pick of the Week: Wachusett Larry

While summer is officially over according to the calendar, I don't think you'll find that the weather agrees. These 80-something degree days will eventually pass us by, however - as difficult  as it is at the moment to imagine - so this weekend I encourage everyone to take advantage of the fleeting sun and heat and enjoy your favorite summer brew one last time. For me, that's Larry, a Double IPA brewed by Wachusett Brewing Company. 

Larry, at 7.5% alcohol, is an Imperial IPA, so expect a bit of a hop-bomb - though not, in my opinion, so much of a palette wrecker that non-hopheads can't enjoy it. It pours a orangey-amber color, crystal clear with one finger's worth of off-white head, good retention and great looking lacing. The sight of this beautiful beer alone made me swoon - the aroma emanating from it put me totally over the edge. Think tropical paradise:  juicy pineapple, sweet grapefruit and tangy citrus with a nice, slightly toasted malty background to round it all out. Larry tastes much like it smells, all fruity hops and bicuit-like malts, with a bitterness that is evident and pronounced but not super-overpowering. This beer is highly drinkable with its medium to full, kinda creamy, kinda dry mouthfeel and swiftly passing aftertaste. It really is a outstanding IPA, no question about it. Sold only in 22oz bombers, I suggest that you pick one up and share with a friend... or enjoy the whole thing yourself..... trust me, once you take one sip, you'll want to. 

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