Friday, October 22, 2010

Pick of the Week: The Surprise Yourself Edition

Are your taste buds tired? It is Friday afternoon after all, so to answer my own question.... with another question, albeit a rhetorical one... what part of you isn't tired? The headaches and exhaustion you're probably suffering from after a long week of work I can't necessarily help you with - hopefully the weekend will take care of those - but taste bud fatigue, that I can help. Because I've been there. Obviously I love beer, all types of beer, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood for anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm always in the mood for beer, but from time to time I just can't get myself excited about a bitter hop-bomb, creamy chocolatey stout or malty amber ale, regardless of how delicious they may be to me 99% of the time. At times like this, there's only one beer that will whet my whistle, and that beer is Rugbrød. 

Rugbrød is brewed by The Bruery, an already incredibly successful brewery that's only been around for a few years. They're located in California and their brews are typically difficult to locate around here - unless you know where to go. Marty's in Newton typically has a variety of their beers on the shelves and I saw bottles of Rugbrød at Redstone Liquors only last week. So get in your car and go there now, pick up a bottle and share in my delight while we ease the exhaustion of our poor overworked taste buds.

The reason why I always turn to Rugbrød when I'm just not in the mood for any beer I can think of is because it isn't like any beer I can think of. It's a Rye Beer and it really has a totally unique taste, full of all sorts of interesting and unexpected flavors. In the glass, it is a murky dark chocolate color with lots of foamy head that reduces itself down to about half a finger's worth and lingers. It smells super earthy with lots of bready malts and surprising hints of chocolate, coffee and dried fruits. The taste though, that's what keeps me coming back. Rugbrød has a very full taste, with lots of the bready maltiness you pick up in the nose. You can definitely taste the rye big time and it adds a nice spicy element to shake up the whole balance of the brew. Finally, with every sip I take I visualize caramel swirling through my glass, lending a slightly sweet and warm flavor that pleases my tired taste buds immensely. Though this beer is 8%, there is no noticeable alcoholic bite coming through, and the result is a very balanced and yes, very different, beer. Despite its very dark color, the beer feels incredibly light in the mouth and is full of carbonation - it literally prickles your tongue as if you'd just swallowed a big mouthful of Diet Coke, adding even more eccentricity to the experience. I'm telling you, if you are tired, if you are fed up with the usual 9-5 grind, if you are craving some excitement and change in your life - don't go out and buy that Harley or drastically change your hairstyle, not just yet. Pick up a bottle of Rugbrød and trust me, your whole outlook will change. 

Cheers friends and happy weekend!

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