Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seize the Brew or Wait It Out?

Beer from Short's Brewing Company is fantastically whacky, off the wall and DELICIOUS. Running the gamut from Key Lime Pie and Strawberry Short's Cake to PB&J and Uber Goober Oatmeal Stout, there is something for everyone in the Short's lineup, especially if you have a sweet tooth. I lusted after the PB&J beer concoction for almost a year before I was finally able to procure a mixed six pack of Short's brews in a trade (yes folks, sorry to get your hopes up but Short's is located in Michigan and, just like many other awesome brews out there in the beer world, is only distributed very narrowly. Just another reason to get into trading). Though I didn't actually receive any of the PB&J in that mixer-sixer, I did have the chance to try the Strawberry Short's Cake (tastes just like the real thing, buttery pound cake and all), the Mystery Stout (sweet and thick with hints of maple syrup) and the Sustenance Black Bier (very dark but surprisingly light, roasted and slightly burnt with hints of chocolate), as well as a few others. I really liked and enjoyed each one, as heart-wrenching as it was for me to open and drink what I thought might end up being the only bottle of each I'd ever get my hands on. As it turns out, I'm in the process of setting up another trade with Eric B., the dude who was ultimately responsible for my entry into the world of dessert beers, and will be receiving the PB&J as well as the Key Lime Pie in a couple of weeks (!!!!!). He's able to get the beers from his parents who live up in Michigan, so that's how I'm able to get them, but who knows - this next trade could be the last trade, these next bottles could be the very last Short's I ever drink. So, what do you think? What's your stance on hard-to-find beers? Do you open them up and enjoy right away or do you save them for a "special occasion"? I find that I go with the latter option more often than not, choosing to save my coveted beers until "the time is right", but then always have a hard time knowing when the time is totally right to go ahead and indulge. On one hand, the time is always right to crack open a delicious beer, but on the other, it's never exciting to see that empty spot in your fridge where that prize winning beer used to reside. It's stressful liking beer this much and it's super stressful not being able to get every beer you want any time you want!!! So what's your philosophy? Carpe Beer, seize the brew or wait it out? 

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