Why am I writing this blog? That’s supposed to the purpose of this “About” page, to explain to everyone who I am, what I’m doing and why. It’s pretty simple, actually – I love beer. I love how it smells, I love how it feels, I especially love how it tastes. I love buying it, pouring it, drinking it… I even once tried brewing it and I liked that okay as well. I think that craft beer is a great hobby and that it’s accessible to everyone – even if you consider your beer of choice right now to be Bud Light. No matter; you can still get into craft beer. And you can still love it. It’s a big, bad craft beer world out there and you, yes, even you, can be part of it. After all, I am, and I’m just a girl who loves beer.
I want this site to be dedicated to the enjoyment of great beer, pure and simple. I have no desire to preach to you about the evils and inferiority of your macros (your Coors Lights and your Mic Ultras), and I have no desire to get up on a soap box or high horse and tell you that I, me of all people, know what you should drink better than yourselves. That’s not what this is about. I’m just here to provide a little information, some suggestions, and hopefully, get a little dialogue going, a little discussion about this awesome beverage we’re all drinking and why we like it so much. I don’t believe in beer snobbery and I don’t believe that I, or anyone else, have the right to dictate to you what you should be drinking or criticize you because your personal beer tastes don’t match up perfectly with mine. So maybe you don’t like stouts, or maybe you love them; maybe you can’t stand IPAs or, quite possibly, they’re your favorite. What does it matter? Life is complicated enough without pulling prejudices about alcoholic beverages into the mix. It’s only beer after all – as much as we love it, it’s still only beer. So let’s talk about it, let’s drink a few, and most of all, let’s enjoy this delicious nectar of the gods.
It’s a big, bad craft beer world out there, after all: let’s make the most of it.